Välkommen blatter “Svartslkalle”

Nicolás Jurado Allende
5 min readMar 29, 2022

I am a Svartslkalle. Based on a remark made by an SBKF SFI (Swedish For Immigrants) teacher who refers to me in this manner. — A blatte (a n***) with no rights in this country… Sweden.

Early 2022, I came across a video where an SFI teacher harrases some Muslim students and discriminated against them.

That is not the only experience I have had. That kind of treatment happened to me as well.
Furthermore, no one cares about such cases today (I’m not surprised the Swedish authorities don’t care about immigrant rights), not even “Skolaverket”…
We don’t know what to do. What are my thoughts on how the school system can be improved?

Following I share a personal experience

I have personally been called; “Svartskalle” (The F** N** Immigrant) by an SFI (Swedish For Immigrants) from a teacher from Sölvesborg-Bromölla Kommunalförbund (SBKF).

She also made comments about it every day after work “how stupid these immigrants are” (referring to her students) or comment like “why they have come to Sweden if they don’t want to study” and “they just want the money from the government. Because make no attempt on study”

And I wonder if a teacher/public employee isn’t supposed to be trained to treat people/students better?
Is the Swedish government concerned and taking action? It appears NOT. Do the school and principals (“school managers”) sanction them? NEITHER.

So, why don’t school principals and Kommuns with SFI teachers make an effort to improve and provide better training in order to deploy a better education and a warmer welcome to The Kingdom of Sweden?

SFI teacher (Sölvesborg-Bromölla Kommunalförbund (SBKF)) who makes the above comments. And she blames her workplace’s poor management and administration every day. However, this is not an excuse for such behaviour.
Schools and students will not tolerate an angry, racist, or xenofobist attitude. People cannot blame their temperament on their surroundings. Is it acceptable to blame the system? or does a teacher like that require specialised assistance?

Teachers with bad tempers, for example (as in my personal experience with that SBKF teacher), I don’t think should be part of the country’s education system… at least not without professional assistance. In my opinion, the state or the school can provide them with mental support and temper training in order to create a better environment for everyone to share. And no longer transport students in this manner.

For me, seeing these attitudes almost every day was routine. And it took me a while to realise how wrong she was being, how very wrong she was being.
The day she told me, “You have no right in this country because you are an F#%&ing Immigrant,” I became more aware of her behaviour. My response was as follows: “You should learn a little bit about your own country’s legal rights. You cannot say such things, especially if you work as an SFI teacher.”

I inform her school principal of the same situation. And, as an SFI teacher, she is still in contact with students after a year. And it appears that this behaviour is unimportant to the school administration, skolaverket, or the state. So, what can students who are being mistreated and people who have been mistreated do?

Serving as an SFI (Swedish For Immigrants). I believe that those teachers may need some intensive courses on integrity, criteria, and understanding of anti-discrimination law as a first step in putting a foot inside such an institution. They must be trained with value books, equality education, and anti-discrimination law courses, and they must be evaluated on a monthly basis.

As I was constantly subjected to verbal abuse and discriminatory language from the same person (the SFI School Teacher), among the bad words she used were “Blatte,” “Scartskalle,” “Diebla Chilensk,” and many others. And, based on her demeanour, I can compare her to the teacher in the preceding video. There is something that cannot occur in schools or anywhere else.

Then, I think; “Where is the Jantelagen”? She is a Swedish origin, a person that grew up in Listerlandet (a place where many people recognized been a victim of racism)

Furthermore, I begin to realise that this is a problem carried over from her childhood home. I’ve heard her family’s attitudes towards immigrants in the home where she grew up. Referring to them in a very derogatory position, expressing their hatred for people from Arab cultures, Latinos and others. An example; Her dad a 75+ y/o man, seating in front of the TV, after seeing a colour man on TV start making the following comments; “se! en neger på tv” which means; “Look! a negro on TV”. Or remarks like, “This immigrant came to take advantage of the country we’ve built.”

Based on these comments, I believe that the environment and roots of the problem date back many years. The issue then becomes more complicated. We are in the year 2022! How can people act in such a way? Isn’t it her fault? or the environment in which she grew up and now lives on a daily basis? Is it, in any case, a mistake for the school principal to hire someone like that? Or is it something the state should focus on more? or a secretly despised culture in the countryside, such as Listerlandet?

If she acts like that, she should not be around children or students. Especially since I witnessed her spanking her son. Making me realise is the result of years of accumulated rage. So, what exactly do they do as teachers? Working in any educational setting, the temper problem is a major issue. Why do the principal or the authorities disregard all of this?

That behaviour and treatment of children repulsed me! and, once again, how such a discriminatory point of view should not be considered before beginning a job as an SFI Teacher. Especially if a mental illness is involved.

I believe that the Skolverket, in collaboration with the State, should review the overstating-diskrimineringslagen and require teachers to pass a human rights, values, and integrity test before working with foreign students. To avoid future mistreatment and to improve immigrant education in Sweden.

People, in my opinion, should report this. If a student reports such behaviour, as I did. The principal, the municipality, or the authority must suspend the teacher and treat him or her legally. Experience a courtroom trial and the administration of justice on those grounds. And expelled from the educational system, with victims compensated.

Because I saw and heard how others were treated after seeing the video online, I became conscious of the need to share my personal experience.

In Sweden, I had many discriminatory experiences, and I found it to be a very relevant and well-covered issue. And now it’s in a group fighting for its rights.

I hope there are no more cases like mine, or else the video will continue to occur. They simply cannot go on. If anyone encounters or witnesses similar incidents, we should share them all.



Nicolás Jurado Allende

My stories cover a wide range of topics and genres, from science fiction to romance, and I try to infuse them with a unique perspective and voice. JURADO.CL